
Showing posts from January, 2020

Quarter 2 Reflections

          In what area do you think you have made your biggest improvements in ELA?          Over Quarter 2, I greatly improved in my writing skills. I practically use TIQA format in all my paragraphs now. Having to write analysis' and an essay has heavily impacted my improvement. I learned how to write a thesis statement, a hook sentence, and a conclusion. These are all skills I will use in the future for ELA.   What has been the most challenging part of second quarter for you and what can you do to help overcome this?         I think the most challenging part of the second quarter for me was my schoolwork. I constantly had work to do, and I just barely managed to stay on time. I had to keep up with my schoolwork from Morton, which wasn’t easy since we had to study for finals as well. Overall, I think I can improve this by sorting my priorities and doing my work as soon as I get home. I feel like...

Exploring Nonfiction Reader Response

          Recently, I began reading about D-Day and the preparation for it. The United States and Great Britain prepared heavily for the battle. They planned it a whole two years before it actually happened!  D-Day was a massive changing point in the war, as it would be the start of the end of World War Two. “By June 3, troops piled into waiting ships set to land at Normandy on the fifth. All systems were go. Then a terrible storm brought everything to a screeching halt.” This storm brought concern to General Eisenhower as he didn’t know whether or not to send the troops. After thinking about it, he decided to attack. That’s all I’ve read so far.          Something I found interesting was from a passage in a chapter three. The passage was about fooling Hitler using tricks. “German spy planes flying overhead saw hundreds of tanks that seemed made of steel. But really, they were made of rubber, blown up like giant balloons! Sound...